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Codes to Self Love

Your 5 week journey to be dripping in self love

Would you like to be dripping in self love?


The kind of love that only you can give to you


The kind of love that creates a whole sizzling core of inner worth

Woman in Underwear

Codes to Self Love is here to elevate your self worth, -love and -acceptance

This 5 week group coaching programme combines mind + body to support you in recoding your being so that you finally can rest in self love. In self worthiness. In self acceptance.

Unlock 5 unique Codes to Self Love

Connect to them mentally

Feel them all radiate through your body

Allow them to embed for you to create a powerful baseline for Self Love - no matter what happens

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You are worthy of love

You are worthy of loving yourself

When dripping in Self Love, you:

Learn how to hold yourself in deep acceptance

Nourish your relationship to yourself and to your temple - your body

Feel a solid inner safety to connect to your desires

Hold yourself in the highest regard

Heal and clear what is holding you from cultivating a sense of self worth and love

Release self-loathing or talking down to yourself 

Move into the woman of radiance that you truly are

Young Model Posing

Show up for yourself in your fullest. Show up for your own heart. Your own body. Your own soul. Cultivate a nourishing relationship to yourself so that you can live as you desire. Find your sense of freedom in loving yourself through all that you are. Be alive. Right here. Right now. Do not hide behind the curtain of self doubt.

You are worthy of it all.

Red Rose


Introduction to programme + Defining Self Love

Release and Forgive

You are worthy of Self Love

Cultivating Self Love


Dripping in Self Love + Closing and Celebration Circle

All Group Sessions are 1,5 hour long (x 5)

Recordings available to enjoy should you not be able to join live.

Week 4

Week 3

Week 2

Week 1

Week 5

What you will experience in these 5 weeks

Red Rose

Rewrite the stories you hold on pleasure and self connection to call in freedom, lustful play and lightness so that you can be fully present with yourself - and with others - and enjoy your own self in new ways as you call in the liberation this brings.

Red Rose

Delve into the deepest, darkest parts of you to see them, to hold them - to learn to accept and even revel in them - so that you can finally release what is not yours to carry.

So that you can finally allow ALL OF YOU to have a seat at the table.


Red Rose

Find new ways to think. New pathways to be in your truest essence. New ideas to carry yourself into a refreshed way of living. A way of living that is tantalising, coming deeply from YOU as the centre of your universe so that you can live in a more satisfying, loving union with yourself as you are dripping in self love.


Sign up now and receive;

  • 5 x 1,5 hour Group Coaching session which include Teachings, Healing and Embodiment Practises

  • Workbooks after each session to support you in deepening your work

  • Dripping in Self Love Meditation to enjoy daily or anytime you need a boost

  • Honey Body Meditation to bring you more grounding as you soften yourself and scan your body to support your focus and calm. Feel the warmth, love and gratitude and bathe yourself in warm honey to feel its cleansing, healing medicine

  • A tight community of Sisters to share this experience with

  • Access to Charlotta, Creator of Superwomen, through this experience

  • Access to the bonuses and the Group Sessions forever!

Your Investment to be dripping in Self Love;

Red Rose
Red Rose

Unsure if this is for you?
Book your Discovery Call with me now!


Charlotta is a Sensuality Empowerment Coach working as the Creator of Superwomen. She is all about Turn On and Pleasure, harnessing the power of Sensuality to release shame, remove stigma and bring forth your true expression to deepen your divine connection to self. Through her work she invites you to alchemise your life as you connect body, soul and mind in an explosion of sensual expression enticing you to go further and fall in love with your whole being in a holistic and pleasurable way.

Meet Charlotta

Meet Charlotta

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